Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Script/ time slots


00:00-00:15 Hello everyone. Thank you for tuning into todays podcast epidosde . Today we are going to be discssucing the recent events that have takken place in London, focusing on the Westminster attack todays date is the 22 of june.

00:15-01:30 As the months have progressed a number of events have taken place in London that has devastated and affected many family’s and communities.
Khalid Masood. A man who was married, with three children living in Birmingham and was a former English teacher. He was born on Christmas day as Adrian Russells Elms and attended church. Masood had converted to Islam later in his life therefore changing his name to Khalid Masood. Masood had been convicted of multiple offences going back 20 years ago. His offences include possession of offensive weapons, public order offences, assaults. His first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage and his last was December 2003 for possession of a knife

01:30-02:00 On the 22 of March 2017 a terrorist attack had taken place at Westminster Bridge. This attack had taken place out of noweher, on a budy day at Westminster Bridge. This attack had left many injured and had resulted in a few deaths. People from 11 countries were amoug dead and 50 were injured.
02:00-02:45 Khalid Masood with a rented white van, going at 76 miles per hour, drove into a presdtrition pavement on the south side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street. Khalid had ran out of the van wearing black clothing, carrying two large knifes stabbing anyone who was in his way and made his way to parliament square which was round the corner and entered through the carriage gates to the hosues of parliment. Masood had stabbed 48 year old PC Keith Palmer to death who was guarding the house of parliament and tried to stop Masood from getting into the houses of parliament. Masood was shot by a armed police officer and died at the scene.

02:45-3:45 Two of the victims who died during this horrific attack was Romanian tourist whose name was not mention, was thrown over the river Thames due to being hit with Masood’s van, being knocked unconscious and sustained server injuries. She was later rescued by a river cruise and had boarded a London fire brigade. She had died later in hospital. Kurt Cochran, 54 from Utah in the USC was celebrating his 25 years marriage to Melissa who was injured very seriously by Masood. Kurt had died on the scene however Melissa is still alive suffering from a broken leg and rib.
Many were devoistaed when this story had come out and were outraged in the content of how many innocent people were hurt in this attack. Since then our beloved town London has faced even more devastation and hurt with the other attacks thta have taken place such as in mancaster with the ariana grande concert, the grenfield twoer which is the recent one that has happened. May i just take this moment to say my thoughs and prays are with everyone who has been affected and there are helplines, foodbanks and differentresources that are available within your community that have been donated. If you know anything about any of these attacks please call the helplines that  are provided on the news.Now i am going to be talking to two different individuals that want to talk about their experience and feelings.

How did you feel when you heard this on the news
Were any of your famity members in that area in the time of the attack
How do you feel about the community spirit and the support that they are giving to victums of the attack
 How did you feel when you were at Westminster bridge at that time
Was anyone in your family effected
What was happening in your surroundings? What were other peoples reaction?

05:00-05:45 Thank you for coming to speak to us on this podcast. Myself and my teams thoughts and prays are with you, have a good day. Now that was absoulty heartbreaking. A 82 second attack done by one person has effected those two individuals terminendiousy not to mention those who have been murdered and injured. But i not sure about the audience but i always wonder why people do this and why do so many innocent souls have to get hurt in the process. It is heartbreaking but at the end of the day we will never know the answer because the person of the attack is dead, but this does not stop up thinking about many different questions that i am sure many of us are thinking.
Like i said previously if you know any thing about this attack or any other attack please call the help line (fake helpline) iwth no hestitation at all, all calls are convidential. Please stay safe, be careful of your surroundings and i will talk to you next time. Next weeks episode is going to be about social media and its effects including special guest (randon names).Thank you once again for joing in to this weeks podcast and I will talk to you next week. Goodbye.

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