Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Script/ time slots


00:00-00:15 Hello everyone. Thank you for tuning into todays podcast epidosde . Today we are going to be discssucing the recent events that have takken place in London, focusing on the Westminster attack todays date is the 22 of june.

00:15-01:30 As the months have progressed a number of events have taken place in London that has devastated and affected many family’s and communities.
Khalid Masood. A man who was married, with three children living in Birmingham and was a former English teacher. He was born on Christmas day as Adrian Russells Elms and attended church. Masood had converted to Islam later in his life therefore changing his name to Khalid Masood. Masood had been convicted of multiple offences going back 20 years ago. His offences include possession of offensive weapons, public order offences, assaults. His first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage and his last was December 2003 for possession of a knife

01:30-02:00 On the 22 of March 2017 a terrorist attack had taken place at Westminster Bridge. This attack had taken place out of noweher, on a budy day at Westminster Bridge. This attack had left many injured and had resulted in a few deaths. People from 11 countries were amoug dead and 50 were injured.
02:00-02:45 Khalid Masood with a rented white van, going at 76 miles per hour, drove into a presdtrition pavement on the south side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street. Khalid had ran out of the van wearing black clothing, carrying two large knifes stabbing anyone who was in his way and made his way to parliament square which was round the corner and entered through the carriage gates to the hosues of parliment. Masood had stabbed 48 year old PC Keith Palmer to death who was guarding the house of parliament and tried to stop Masood from getting into the houses of parliament. Masood was shot by a armed police officer and died at the scene.

02:45-3:45 Two of the victims who died during this horrific attack was Romanian tourist whose name was not mention, was thrown over the river Thames due to being hit with Masood’s van, being knocked unconscious and sustained server injuries. She was later rescued by a river cruise and had boarded a London fire brigade. She had died later in hospital. Kurt Cochran, 54 from Utah in the USC was celebrating his 25 years marriage to Melissa who was injured very seriously by Masood. Kurt had died on the scene however Melissa is still alive suffering from a broken leg and rib.
Many were devoistaed when this story had come out and were outraged in the content of how many innocent people were hurt in this attack. Since then our beloved town London has faced even more devastation and hurt with the other attacks thta have taken place such as in mancaster with the ariana grande concert, the grenfield twoer which is the recent one that has happened. May i just take this moment to say my thoughs and prays are with everyone who has been affected and there are helplines, foodbanks and differentresources that are available within your community that have been donated. If you know anything about any of these attacks please call the helplines that  are provided on the news.Now i am going to be talking to two different individuals that want to talk about their experience and feelings.

How did you feel when you heard this on the news
Were any of your famity members in that area in the time of the attack
How do you feel about the community spirit and the support that they are giving to victums of the attack
 How did you feel when you were at Westminster bridge at that time
Was anyone in your family effected
What was happening in your surroundings? What were other peoples reaction?

05:00-05:45 Thank you for coming to speak to us on this podcast. Myself and my teams thoughts and prays are with you, have a good day. Now that was absoulty heartbreaking. A 82 second attack done by one person has effected those two individuals terminendiousy not to mention those who have been murdered and injured. But i not sure about the audience but i always wonder why people do this and why do so many innocent souls have to get hurt in the process. It is heartbreaking but at the end of the day we will never know the answer because the person of the attack is dead, but this does not stop up thinking about many different questions that i am sure many of us are thinking.
Like i said previously if you know any thing about this attack or any other attack please call the help line (fake helpline) iwth no hestitation at all, all calls are convidential. Please stay safe, be careful of your surroundings and i will talk to you next time. Next weeks episode is going to be about social media and its effects including special guest (randon names).Thank you once again for joing in to this weeks podcast and I will talk to you next week. Goodbye.

Photogenic evidence of permission of people being interviewed

This is evidence that I have asked the two people to be included in my interview with their permission and I can include everything they say.

Copyright and sound checks


In my podcast I am planning to use some sort of other audio such as music in order to make sure that my podcast is not boring as if it was all talking then the audience will get bored and will not fully be engaged with the content that is being said in the podcast. If there is a certain track that I want to use and it has copyright then I will go ahead and email the producer asking them for permission however this may be a long process as I will have to wait for their reply and I do not know how long it will take to get a response from them. If this is the case then I will go ahead and either make a sound effect on the editing software I have got or go onto YouTube and use copyright free music. Furthermore I will be using two different people who will be interviewed in my podcast and I have got them to sign a document in order to state that they are happy being interview and are happy with myself to publish what they have said.

Sound check

As I do not have access to the microphone on the day that I am doing the pre-production I will make sure that when I do get access to a microphone I will first check the sound level and make sure my voice is not going over the peak level which will create distortion in my audio. Once I have tested out the microphone I will then upload the the audio of myself testing the microphone out.

Book and release forms

Release forms

In my podcast I am going to be using two different people to be interviewed to be a part of my podcast. I am going to be asking them a variety of different questions on how they have felt about London’s recent events and the Westminster attack.

Desiree Simmons – live interview
Shifau Durosinmi – phone call

Booking forms

In order to produce my podcast I am going to be using a few different pieces of equipment

Microphone: This will be used in order to record my podcast. In order to get access to this I will need to go ahead to the techninitons office and ask them if I am able to borrow one in order to record. This may not be the case as there are a limited amount of microphones meaning that myself and my peers will have to share the microphone so I might get one or have to wait for one.
Headphones: I am going to borrow headphones of the technicitoons. The reason why I need to have headphone is for my editing process as I will have to listen to the recording that I have got and be able to listen to the different effects that I am going to be adding to my podcast such as I am going to be changing some on the sound to be sounded like that it is a phone call therefore needing headphones to listen to it

Logic: This is the chosen software that is going to be used to edit my podcast. However programme is only available on mac software and not normal windows pc therefore we can only use macs. For this my teacher has booked the editing suite with the macs which have the software to edit Thursday and Friday latest.

Recording schedule

Recording schedule

For my record schedule I will be recording from 9:00 am to 9:45am. The reason why I have given myself 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes is because in the morning we still have to go ahead and get out microphones and need to find a quiet place from which I am able to record. Furthermore the microphones will have to be shared between pairs so I aim to be in class early to get one of the first microphones to record with. If not I will have to wait for a microphone. I would want to record ideally in 45 minutes however if this is not possible then I want to be able to film within 60 minutes maximum as I want to be able to spend the majority of my time editing the podcast to the best of my ability and if I finish my recording before the majority of people it mores I can have more time to edit which will be very beneficial for me. I will be following a second to second document of what is going to be said in my podcast which I would have already produced. Everything I will say in the podcast will be listed with a certain time and how long it will be going on for.

List of equipment

List of equipment

  • ·         Microphone – This will be used in order to record our podcast
  • ·         Headphones – Will be used in order to listen back to what I have recorded
  • ·         Logic – This will be the editing software that I am going to be using in order to edit my podcast. I will be using different tools, to cut and edit my whole podcast.

Health and safety assessment

Health and safety assessment

  • ·         Make sure when I am recording to make sure that if there are any wires such as when I am using the microphone that I am careful where it is placed so people don’t trip over the cable or break it in any way
  • ·         When in the editing suite, I have got to be careful/considerate of my surroundings as the room is very small and there are going to be many people in the room editing at once.
  • ·         Be careful/gentle when using the equipment as it does not belong to me and belongs to the college. Furthermore there are not many microphones that can be given to us individually therefore myself and my peers have to share the microphones so when we are giving them to each other we need to be gentle with them.
  • ·         Be considerate of my surroundings in the content of where I am filming in order to make sure that I aint disturbing anyone if they are recording as well.
  • Keep the cable of the headphones on the table as someone can trip over them
  • Make sure to keep an eye on the equipment that has been borrowed such as the microphone as someone can take it

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Photos for article

Photos taken by Hamerdeep Rana
Doctors Surgery in East Ham , Gladstone avenue

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Artice 2 , adapataion, redraft

What if, she was still here? Would she still be the same Aunt Julie?

Depression. What comes to mind when you hear this word? Has a family member suffered from depression or one of your friends?  Individuals deal with depression differently according to what they feel fit however depression does not only affect and hurt the individual who is going through it but also effects the people around them which can leave a very big impact in their life. Today I am going to be talking about a teenager whom name I am going to keep anonymous and how someone in her family dealt with depression and her own story. In this article I will be referring to the teenager as Lauren. Lauren is currently 16 years old about to turn 17. She is very full of life, active, fun girl who is currently on her summer holidays waiting for her GCSE results. Lauren wants to study music, art and drama at college.

Lauren had a very happy childhood however on July 20th 2004 someone who was very close to Lauren had passed away. Her auntie Julie. Julie had committed suicide when Lauren was only 8 years old and when Julie had passed away it left a big dent in Laurens life in the way that her family acted and her view on depression itself. As the years went on Julie was spoken about occasionally within family conversations, however as Julies anniversary went past, Lauren could not help to wonder how life would have been like if she and her Aunt Julie was around and what she would be like. From these constant thoughts Lauren had slowly drifted into grief but pulled herself out of it. After experiencing this during her Junior year she decided she wanted to create awareness of depression and felt that it needed to be done in justice of her Auntie Julie.

Gathering friends, Lauren planed a convocation which would be held at a variety of different high schools including her own and this was the first project that Lauren had conducted herself and was socially done. The project was called Down with Depression which included 50 hours of planning and fundraising of $2000 however Lauren wanted to make sure that during these talks she would educate and inform the audience of how she felt losing her auntie and depression in general and this overall had a very big impact on the wide number of audiences she was educating. There is a variety of different ways from which you are able to get help including support groups. In order to be referred to a support group you will have to be referred by your GP. Therefore book an appointment and talk to your GP. All the information/your chat that will stay private between you and your doctor and they will talk through the process step by step and will take it at your pace. The purpose of talking to someone whether you know them or not or going to a support group is so you know as a individual that you are not alone and you do not have to go through what you are feeling alone. Not only can you go to the doctors, there are a variety of other options that are available such as support groups online which are easily accessible or forums which can also help.
 Now I know it isn’t easy to talk to someone about what you are feeling but with something like depression the only way to feel better is to talk to someone whether it is a teacher, family member, friends or even a GP or a online group. Everyone around is there to help you in your time of need and if you feel that you can’t talk to them then there are always a variety of different ways that you can get access to help. If you do choose to go to a support group or get any help at all don’t feel like you should not go because your embarrassed because at the end of the day, there are people to help you and if you have access to help then you should use it because some people were too scared to go get help/ask for it .

 Imagine if this was your child. How would you feel? You would feel as if you have let your child down as it was your responsibility to make sure they are okay. Depression can happen to anyone of any age which would have an effect on that person or even if someone in the family suffers from depression it can affect the people around them. Depression is not something that happens overnight, it is something that accumulates over time. So are there any signs as to know when someone has got depression? There are a variety of different common signs which you may already know about such as sudden mood changes, not socialising, more sleep, loss of an appetite. In general parents think that the symptoms that are mentioned are common for teenagers to do. As much as this can be argued for yes and no these are the most common ones. There are a variety of more which you can find out via online, leaflets and your local GP. This is why it is very important for you to have a good bond with your child/children so they feel as if they can talk to you about anything and feel completely confident.

 This is a very inspirational story that we should all considered. You are not alone with depression and if you need any help there are a variety of different ways you can get help. Depression is not something to be ashamed off, it is very common and getting the right help will help in you leading a normal, happy life. Depression does not define you!


Article 1 redraft, adapataion for teenagers

Depression. Could you be suffering from it?

Self harming, suicide, anxiety. All common symptoms of dealing with depression. Depression can occur of any gender of any age. However as the years have gone on, the rise of depression within teenagers has increased by 70 percent in the last 25 years.
The majority of citizens age 30 and above can agree with the fact that the generation that teenagers now grow up in is completely different from what they had grew up in and this has had a very big impact on teenagers today. There were not much stresses or expectations in the olden days in the content of what teenagers now worry about such as the brand of clothing they have got, their friends/social life, appearance and many others. These are common factors that teenagers now a day’s deal with.
As the years have gone on, depression has been something has been more widely spoken about and accepted however depression within teenagers is more common than what people think. Teenagers now a day are put under an extense amount of pressure from parents, society and growing up in general which can really take a toll on the way they feel. Depression can be caused by different factors including:

-        Family problems
-        Finical problems
-        Divorced parents
-        Bullying at school
-        Peer pressure
-        School stress

Have you ever experienced anything like this? Constantly feeling down/sad, thinking very dark thoughts? Always thinking about the different events that are happening in your life and wishing that it was not happening to you and questioning as to why it has happened to you but no one else? Why everyone around you is happy and you are just around people painting on a smile for the sake of it? What you are feeling is normal for someone who has symptoms of depression. I know this sounds very weird/scary and you will get very defensive thinking that you are fine and you don’t suffer from depression, this is something that you can’t get when you are a teenager you only get it when you are older. But that is not the case my friend, anyone of any age can suffer from depression due to a variety of different matters.
Now it is very hard to admit to that you may be suffering from depression so do some research on it? Go online and research or even look at the symptoms/problems that have been listed above and see if you are suffering from any of them. Okay. So now you have checked, have you got a few that you can relate to? If you don’t that is good and if you do, don’t start to panic, take a deep breath and we will work through this together. There are a variety of different ways you can get help such as talking to someone whether it be family/friends/teachers but I know that isn’t always easy as you don’t particularly want to go up to your close ones and say ‘hey I think I am suffering from depression’ which is not very easy to say to a loved one which is very understandable. Another option would be to go book an appointment with your local GP, who you can talk to about how you are feeling and can help you by going through a step by step process of what treatment you need if at all you need any. I know this sounds scary but you need to know that there are people who are here to help/their job to help and you don’t need to feel weak, embarrassed about it because there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Or if you feel that the two other options that have been briefly spoken about is not your cup of tea why not try a online support group or chat?

Support groups are a common way from which people have other people who have something similar/or the same thing they are suffering with who will not judge and will understand. It is commonly used now days. Now remember I am not saying that this won’t be the case with the two other options, this is not the case. Whatever option you choose, it will be the right one for you. Or there is another option from which you are able to talk to a councillor online and everything that is spoken about within the session with the councillor is completely confidential. Many people especially teenager’s use this method because you often don’t want to admit that you suffer from depression and would want to deal with what you are feeling with the least amount of people involved and without worrying anyone. There are going to be a few links provided down below.

The links above are some sites that you can go to get some help if you feel that you want to. Don’t feel forced to check them out but there is no harm in going ahead and checking them out. They may come in help for you. There is one big thing to remember. You will get through what you are currently feeling. Well done, if you have accepted that you may be suffering from depression because it is not something easy to admit whether you’re a teenager or a adult and just know if you do go and tell someone about how you are feeling or go to a online support group you should feel very proud and pleased with yourself because that is a very big step . You can do this.

Feedback article pictures

Chocolog advert

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Adaptation article 1 & 2

Second article adaptation 1  - teenagers of both genders

Depression.  This is a term that you may of heard whether it be hearing your parents talking about or even your friends. This may be a term which you know the meaning off or you have just heard the word being chucked around. But do you really know what the word depression means? What comes to your head when you hear the word?

Depression can be anythign and anyone can suffer from depression however when do you really know who is suffereing from depression and what actually causes it. There is a vairety fo different reason why people get depressed and everyone has a different way of dealing with it but do you know how it really much it affects someone and ever wonder what make a indivudial fall into depression or what causes it? Now im pretty sure in school you as a individual or maybe one of your freinds have have been bullied. But did you know this is one of the main causes ofteenage deression and the reason why depression is rising in teenagers.

Due to the rising figures of depression it means that there is less hep that is gven to teenagers. You yourself as a teenager would tell your parents, teacher or someone who is very clsoe to if you were upset or wanted to share somethign with them so why shoudl that be different when ti comes to a individul wanting to go ahead and talk to someone about them being depresssed? Depression now a days is not very much acceted inthe ttenager communtiy djue to parens thinking that it si there hormones which makes them think that whatever the teenager is feeling is just a phase they are going through. Or they feel like they will feel that they will be looked down upon or portrayed to look weaker. Have you ever felt like that? Lie your not good as everyone else or if you tell someone a secret for example that they will look at you idfferently and may judge you. That is exactly how teenagers who are suffereing from depression feel therefore not wating to tell anymore and a vairety of different other reasons.

Not telling someone can lead to a vairety of diffferent ways from which the indicual who suffers from depression to deal with what they are going through including self harming, sucide, not socialsing and many more. But you should never feel alone because there are many people to talk to and you wont be looked down upon if you feel you have depression. This is nothing to be ashamed about and you dont have to tlak to someone who you knwo perosnally it can eb anyone, suhc as a website or online chat/help line. Depression is not something that will deinfe you as a person and it is treatebale and dont feel ashamed because you are a amazing person.

Getting help:
Adaptation 2 
Dont worry you will get through this, you are strong. Have you ever said to this to any one of your close friends, family? But how much does this common phrase get thorugh to people with depression. It is all very well saying to someone you can do this and you can get through this but is this really possible with people suffering with depression or does this phrase help those in need of cofort with seeing a family member who has been through depression. 
Lauren who was veyr young had lost her aunt julie to depression which had a very ig tol on her life as she was very young when her aunt julie had commited sucide and her whole life was surronded with the loving memory of her aunt julie. However it did have a toll on Lasuren in the content of that she had created an organisation with close friends from which was called down with depression which meant she and her group went to a few schools to give talks about depression and what can be done in order to prevent, stop and help people whob have been suffering with depression.
Im sure that you would of come across someone who you know who has suffered with depression and would of seen how heartbreakign there life is so please if you feel that someone needs help guide them. Even if you dont know the person personally help because you do not know whos life you could be saving due to peole not feeling that they can talk to people about depresion due to a vairety of different reasons.